Backstory, Politics, Religion, and More!
There is a freedom and enjoyment to experience in creating the ‘bones’ of a novel.
Where to start?
I began by using a simple t-chart. I listed the ingredients i wanted to keep and tweaked the elements i was inspired to make my own. Thus, a novel was born.
A Map of Seere
Seere is an island kingdom that is roughly the size of Wales with a climate and geography similar to Southern Europe. All of the roads, freshwater rivers, villages, gentry estates, Port Capital, and County borders were all carefully considered for their relationships with one another and the believability of creating a land with natural resources and political infrastructure.
Character Profiles
Like Charles Dickens in the 19th Century and every modern gamer who designs their own race and class to play out their adventures, I have found great enjoyment in creating “character profiles” for my newest novel.
What is Faith?
Instead of following a patriarchal system, I had tremendous fun gender-bending my kingdom’s deity to a “Goddess” by the people of Seere. She has Knights, similar to angels or guardians, who guard her in Paradise where all souls fly upon their death to seek rest and in time a new life. Those questioned at Her gates leave behind all petty worldly concerns and anger to reenter harmony in Her presence, and will forsake all Evil.